Matthew Bailey Research Group

Information on the research interests, projects, and members of Matthew Bailey's Research Group.

Matthew Bailey Profile Image

Professor Matthew Bailey

Personal Chair of Renal Physiology


Matt Bailey is a renal physiologist with training from UCL, CNRS and Yale University. Currently Chair of Renal Physiology at Edinburgh, he investigates physiological and molecular pathways of cardiovascular and renal dysfunction in hypertension and renal disease. Bailey’s research group has longstanding expertise in using innovative methodologies to assessment of hypertension and renal dysfunction in mice, including measurement of vascular and tubular function in vivo and ex vivo. He has published 75 papers (H-index of 28), including recent papers in JASN (x2); Hypertension (x3), Kidney International (x2), eBioMedicine and Circulation. Awarded >£2.5M in research funding and >£7.5M for Doctoral Training, he has current grants from Kidney Research UK, British Heart Foundation and Diabetes UK. Matt writes for major renal textbooks (The Kidney, The Oxford Textbook of Clinical Nephrology, Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology) and teaches at renal summer schools across Europe. He is active in public engagement and was shortlisted for THE2018 Outstanding Research Supervisor of the Year. 

Matt Bailey TEDx Talk - My Genes Don't Fit! Living in a salt saturated society

His current main project areas are:

  1. The control of renal haemodynamics and tubular function by intrarenal signalling systems, such as ATP, endothelin and lactate; and
  2. The mechanisms contributing to salt-sensitive hypertension.

For a list of up-to-date publications, please visit:

Matthew Bailey's Profile Page

Research Group Members

Name Role Email
David Binnie Anaesthesia Technician
Lorraine Bruce Senior Research Technician
Dr Geoff Culshaw Head of Cardiology Service, Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Cardiopulmonary Medicine
Jess Ivy Research Fellow
Robert Menzies Research Fellow
Marie-Louise Monaghan Research Fellow
Kevin Stewart Research Technician