Cancer Research UK Edinburgh Centre Away Day 2020
On Friday 31 January Cancer Research UK Edinburgh Centre principal investigators from across Edinburgh met to present, discuss and reflect on the basic, translational and clinical research performed in the Centre: February 2020
Cancer Research UK Edinburgh Centre’s clinical and research activities cover a broad spectrum of topics and include a large number of investigators. It has become a tradition that once a year the Centre organises an Away Day to facilitate collaborations, exchange of ideas and sharing of know-how and resources. This year the event was organised by Liz Patton, Kevin Myant and Jan Irvine. It took place in the Bute room at the National Museum of Scotland. With 15 scientific talks ranging from the development of new therapeutics to discovery of novel biological processes, optimising the use of medical records in the clinic and the development of software for pathology image analysis. It was a great feast of science attended by investigators from across Edinburgh. Discussions held during the meeting resulted in new ideas and laid the foundations for collaborative research projects.