Institute of Genetics and Cancer Doors Open Day 2021
Institute of Genetics and Cancer

Welcome to the Institute of Genetics and Cancer

We love opening the doors of our institute for Doors Open Day and are so disappointed that due to the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency, we cannot welcome visitors this year.

A row of striking buildings on Crewe Road South, opposite Fettes College, form our institute – the hub of the University of Edinburgh’s Western General Hospital Campus.

The glass-fronted Institute is at the centre, completed in 2016, and links 3 research centre buildings – the CRUK Edinburgh Centre (CRUK EC), the MRC Human Genetics Unit (HGU) and the Centre for Genomic & Molecular Medicine (CGEM).

Each research centre has its own unique history, but the powerful synergy emerging from their common research strengths led to the formation of the Institute in 2009. 

The Institute - Behind the scenes

Our institute’s story of biomedical research stretches back to the post-war period and works towards delivering better understanding of genetic diseases, including cancers, with quicker diagnosis, improved and tailored treatments - ensuring better health outcomes. 

The Institute brings together over 600 people, including 200 PhD students, in a single, scientific endeavour, enabling exciting multi-disciplinary collaborations in biomedical research. 

We will take you behind the scenes and show off some of our cool tools. 

TOP TIP: To enlarge the size of our videos, click on the full screen symbol BEFORE you click on the video to watch it.

more information

Virtual Tours

The Institute

Zebrafish Facility

Advanced Imaging Facility

Use of Animals

Research in Action – TACKLING COVID-19

Covid life DOD2020

Soon after Lockdown, our staff mobilised lab space and equipment within the Institute to set up a COVID-19 Testing Centre.

A series of COVIDLife surveys is capturing the psychological, social & economic impacts of this pandemic.

The CoronaGenes Project is recruiting people who’ve used DNA testing services (e.g. Ancestry DNA, FTDNA & 23andMe) to help identify any key genes involved in susceptibility to C-19.

Research in Action – CRACKING CANCER

cancer DOD2020

The Cancer Research UK Edinburgh Centre brings together cancer researchers and clinicians who are delivering outstanding cancer research and improved patient care. Our scientific and technological expertise results in new therapies being developed for patients faster. The CRUK Edinburgh Cancer Centre is contributing to the UK Coronavirus Monitoring Programme that is collecting information on how C-19 and C-19-related changes in cancer treatments affects cancer patients, providing real-time surveillance strategy to provide rapid learning from the pandemic.

Research in Action – Deciphering Genetic Disorders

lab DOD2020

The Institute of Genetics and Cancer excels in revealing the biology of genetic disease. The quality of this research and the potential to maximise its impact depends upon building and maintaining successful partnerships with multiple collaborators, including people affected by genetic disorders, NHS clinicians and policy makers.

Our institute’s researchers collaborate with people with lived experiences of a condition. Hearing their voices’ is crucial as we strive to improve the quality and impact of our institute’s research.

How to set up a COVID-19 testing facility from your living room couch




We'd love to get your feedback on our first virtual Doors Open Day programme. Please share any comments, suggestions and questions with Dee Davison, Institute of Genetics and Cancer Public Engagement Manager:

Shining a Light on Genetic Disorders: Bowel Cancer

Cancer drug screening – a step by step guide to the experimental process

International efforts to improve brain cancer survival

Big Data

Shining a Light on Cancer - Living with Melanoma

Shining a Light on Labrune Syndrome

Shining a Light on Rare Genetic Conditions – PCD & ‘Annie’s syndrome’

Looking for genetic causes of eye disease - Dr Chloe Stanton

Faulty genetic switches leading to compromised vision – Dr Shipra Bhatia

Shining a Light on XLH Rickets - a Rare Bone Disease