Wellcome Centre for Cell Biology

Public engagement

The Centre is committed to engaging our communities in our cell biology research, and why we do fundamental research.


Henna tattoo, of a cell, on an arm
Past and upcoming public engagement events.

Get Involved

Researcher showing two children a cell model
Whether you are a researcher, student, member of the public or a school there is a way to get involved.


Group photo of Science festival team
We are happy to engage with the public and welcome community cooperation our activities.


Researcher creating glass image of cells
We encourage researchers to participate in and create public engagmement with their research.


Microscopic black, purple and red image of cells
Learn more about our public engagement strategy and advisory group.

Public engagement team

Image of upright banners in field, with 'Talking Science' and Wellcome centre logo on them
Meet our dedicated public engagement team.