Light Microscopy Core

Lumicks C-Trap Edge

Details of the C-Trap system.

The C-Trap system enables you to trap single molecules of DNA or proteins, manipulate them, and measure changes to their structure with high spatial and temporal resolution. Simultaneously, you can visualize a trapped construct and any interacting proteins in real time.

Optical Traps

Two independently steerable traps

Force resolution of <0.1pN with a trap stiffness of >0.35 pN/nm (1µm bead) and a maximum escape force of 500pN (4.5µm bead)

Photo of the Lumicks C-Trap Edge


  • Widefield (100 x water objective)
  • TIRF and IRM (100 x oil objective)
  • 488, 561 and 633 excitation lasers


  • 5 lane laminar flow
  • Reusable flow cell for in solution assays.


Bluelake and uFlux

Additional Features

Objective heater

Automation of data collection and analysis through Bluelake software using Harbor and Pylake scripts

Room Location

Swann 2.13