Wellcome Centre for Cell Biology

Sustainability group

The Sustainability Group was set up by volunteers in April 2019.

WCB Sustainability group logo

The Sustainability group aims to find solutions to reduce resource waste at the Wellcome Centre for Cell Biology (WCB). This involves promoting systemic changes to running the building in which we work as well as changes to lab practices, both general and lab-specific. 

Working more sustainably is not an easy task in scientific world but it is possible and can be a unifying and fun experience. 

WCB Sustainability group members meeting

Who are we?

The Sustainability Group is led by Agata and Toni, with participation of members from several labs and facilities, including EPPF, Media Prep and Wash-Up facility and COIL facility.

Each lab and facility in WCB lab has a sustainability representative.

Technology platforms

What do we do?  

To help achieve our sustainability goals we discuss ideas for implementing sustainable change. 

We participate in Sustainability meetings organized by the University, and liaise with the University Transport Department, and other relevant departments. Every few months the Sustainability Group proposes one theme or project for large-scale sustainable change to the centre. 

Projects and progress are discussed at the WCB Management meetings and decisions and ideas are communicated through the notice boards on the 1st and 7th floors, by emails and on the Sustainability website. 


Get involved

The sustainability group meets once a month, reminders are sent by email.

If you would like to get involved, come to a meeting or contact Agata or Toni. 

Agata                     Toni 

Related links

Sustainability in Action