Edinburgh. Extraordinary futures await.

Dr Helen Wallace

Helen is one of our demonstrators, very important in our practical and tutorial classes.


Name Dr Helen Wallace
Dr Helen Wallace
Position Practical and Tutorial Demonstrator

What is your research background?

I studied for my BSc in Genetics at the University of Edinburgh before continuing here for my PhD. In my research I generated a variety of mammalian models using genetic engineering to investigate how genes are regulated by ablating organs or substituting large chromosomal segments between mammals all of which employed cutting edge molecular biology technology. 

What kind of teaching do you do?

I started tutoring and Demonstrating in labs in 2007 and now teach on a number of 1st – 3rd year courses including The Dynamic Cell 2, Genes and Gene Action 2 and Biotechnology 3

Any other messages for those interested in studying with us?

I think Edinburgh is a great place to study and I am looking forward to seeing you here.