Commercial research services
We are exceptionally well-equipped with the latest technologies to enable our researchers to stay at the forefront of their fields.
Industrial partners and other organisations can access some of these facilities and the expert staff who run them.
Protein production
The Edinburgh Protein Production Facility (EPPF) offers rapid solutions to protein production, which underpins many key questions in structural and translational biology.
Edinburgh Protein Production Facility (EPPF)
Our facilities include:
- High throughput robotic cloning and screening
- Tissue culture and fermentation suite
- Automated purification
Drug discovery
We offer a web-based interface to EDULISS, our SQL database of physical, chemical and toxicological data on over 5.3 million small molecule structures. It enables you to preselect compounds for any given ligand design problem before beginning protein interaction modelling.
Edinburgh University Ligand Selection Service (EDULISS)
Lidaeus is our in-silico screening program. Its modular nature lets you easily experiment with new scoring and posing methods. Using the University BlueGene L system, it allows you to screen millions of compounds in hours rather than weeks.
Systems biology
We can offer expertise for partners in industry to benefit from practical applications of systems biology.
Our expertise and facilities include:
- High throughput qRT-PCR using the LightCycler 480 system and Freedom Evo-2 liquid handling platform and robotic workstation
- LTQ Orbitrap XL mass spectrometry
- Static modelling and pathway reconstruction
- Software development
Optical spectroscopy, micromanipulation and imaging
We have developed beneficial partnerships with industry across the full range of our activities at the Collaborative Optical Spectroscopy, Micromanipulation and Imaging Centre (COSMIC).
Collaborative Optical Spectroscopy, Micromanipulation and Imaging Centre (COSMIC)
Our facilities include:
- Microscopy and confocal imaging
- Spectral imaging (FLIM and FRET)
- Micromanipulation using optical tweezers
Contact Us
The School's Business Development Team, based within Edinburgh Innovations, are the first point of contact for any questions related to industry interactions and collaborations.
Business Development Team - School of Biological Sciences
- Edinburgh Innovations
Contact details
- Email:
- Web: Edinburgh Innovations
- Street
Murchison House, King's Buildings
10 Max Born Crescent- City
- Edinburgh
- Post Code
- EH9 3BF
Monday - Friday 9am-5pm