

The Common Marking Scheme and what constitutes each grade.

Degree examinations have a pass mark of 40% and are graded according to the University's Common Marking Scheme.

Common Marking Scheme

Assessed work is graded according to the University’s Common Marking Scheme:  


Honours Classification Mark (%) Grade Non-honours Description
1st  90-100 A1 Excellent 
1st  80-89  A2 Excellent 
1st  70-79  A3 Excellent 
2.1  60-69  B Very Good 
2.2  50-59 


3rd  40-49  D Pass
Fail 30-39 E Marginal Fail 
Fail 20-29  F Clear Fail 
Fail 10-19 G Bad Fail 
Fail 0-9  H Bad Fail 

Guidance on what constitutes these grades follows. 


Credit allocation and conversion of grades