Research and Engagement

Early Career Researchers and Research Development

Read about the range of support available for ECRs and for research career development.

CAHSS Training

Supporting ECRs

The University’s ECR Group has adopted an action plan to support Early Career Researchers (attached below) in navigating the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic. The plan recognizes the particular challenges faced by ECRs, linked to restrictions on travel and access to data, caring responsibilities, and poor home working conditions. You can read about the action plan here

Research Staff and ECRs can find guidance and materials on the Institute for Academic Development (IAD) IADD4Researchers web pages.

Guidance for Managers, PIs and Mentors

This document provides guidance for managers, PIs and mentors supporting ECR colleagues, setting out the new measures and explaining how they can help.

Institute for Academic Development resources

The Institute for Academic Development provides development resources, including the recent Pop-Up IAD, which is a growing library of on-line training and resources. This complements an existing library of online guides on topics from collaboration to productive writing. IAD Resources also include an early career researchers’ guide to interdisciplinary research.

The deadline for applications to Refocus Research has been extended to 19th February. There are 120 places available on this programme, which aims to support mid-career academics whose research has been adversely affected by the pandemic, e.g. because of increased teaching and/or caring responsibilities. It’s a flexible programme, involving a combination of online modules you can take at your own pace, and group/individual coaching.

The programme is run by the brilliant 64 Million Artists – you can see a short introductory video from their director, Jo Hunter.

UoE Human Resources toolkit

Human Resources also provide training toolkits to support personal effectiveness and leadership development.