Research and Engagement

Collaboration, Engagement & Events

Engagement with external collaborators and partners during physical distancing may require rethinking your engagement methods and tools. The following guidance has been developed to support researchers in adapting their practices.

Collaboration & Events

Wider Engagement Activities

Establishing new relationships and maintaining existing relationships with external research users whilst relying on communication on-line can be challenging in the current context. You can find guidance and tips on the Edinburgh Research Office's engage page.


Edinburgh Research Office has gathered a range of resources to support researchers in running events and building networks with both internal and external audiences – see run events.

Information Services also has an Online and Digital Events Service providing a range of advice on the tools that are supported to run a range of events with particular tips - advice and guidance for online and hybrid events.   


This section is in development. Partnerships will require different platform tools, depending on the nature and capacity of the collaboration.  Some Edinburgh Research Office guidance on considerations can be found in collaborating online.

International Partnerships

Support for Partnership Development and Sustaining Relationships Additional information on establishing  strategic international partnerships can be found by accessing the  Partnership Toolkit on Edinburgh Global. More information to follow on project based partnerships.

Intellectual Property and Copyright

All on-line activities need to be mindful of the different implications of copyright within closed authenticated spaces and public digitial spaces contexts.  We will be developing further guidance on these considerations but meantime further information and resources can be found via the Library Copyright in Research  and the Open Education Resources Centre  which provides guidance on creating and using OER, copyright and open licensing, and engaging with open education.