College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

New course examines how landscape affects well-being

A new Masters programme on how landscapes and the built environment affect human health and well-being has been launched.

The first of its kind in the UK, the new MSc in Landscape and Wellbeing will take an innovative and interdisciplinary approach to understanding the importance of the environment for people’s mental and physical health.

Find out more on the MSc in Landscape and Wellbeing

Turning research into practice

Students will study landscapes that support and enhance human health and wellbeing, and scientific approaches to providing evidence of health benefits. They will also learn ways to translate research into practice through planning, designing or commissioning beneficial changes to environments. 

Based at OPENspace, the international research centre for inclusive access to outdoor environments, the course lasts one year. 

Advanced theories and methods

Delivered by an expert academic team led by Professor Catharine Ward Thompson and Dr Simon Bell, the degree will draw on the most advanced theories and methods for research in the field.

After years of building up world-leading knowledge and research expertise in how environments affect people’s wellbeing, we are delighted to launch this new course to empower other professionals to evidence and promote the value of landscape to support health and wellbeing.

Professor Catharine Ward Thompson

It is aimed at academics and practitioners working in landscape architecture, planning, design, geography, public health, psychology, epidemiology, horticulture and ecology.