Alumni Services

Staff spotlight

A look inside the University to catch up with members of staff you might remember and current innovators in teaching, research and student life.

Rory Dunlop - Modern Apprentice

Rory Dunlop
The University participates in the Modern Apprentice programme that allows over 16s to take on paid employment that offers industry-recognised training on the job. Rory Dunlop is a Modern Apprentice in the School of Divinity's marketing team.

David McClay - Philanthropy Manager

David McClay
David is a graduate of Scottish Historical Studies and now leads projects that ensure the University's Library and Collections are preserved, enhanced and accessed.

Chris Bobby - Senior Development Officer

Chris Bobby
Chris is passionate about supporting students and the role alumni can play in helping improve their University experiences.

A good neighbour

Stuart Tooley
Stuart's role involves fostering good relationships between the University and the local communities in which it is located.

The South Asia connection

Amrita Sadarangani
Amrita is responsible for partnerships, profile, networks, opportunities, alumni and marketing in South Asia and leads strategic engagement across the region.

Sharing stories through media

Vicki Bell
Vicki relishes her role as Media Producer that sees her filming and recording the people and places that make up the University community. She's also been working on the new Sharing things podcast that brings together students, staff and alumni for conversation and storytelling.

Supporting online learners

Brian Burgon
Brian Burgon's role puts him in direct contact with the University's online learners, ensuring they receive an authentic Edinburgh experience from a distance.

Attracting talented students from North America

Sara Normand Cavalieri
Based in San Diego, Sara Normand Cavalieri's role ensures the University can recruit the best students from the west coast of North America.

Dedicated to staff and students

Hazel Christie
Dr Hazel Christie graduated from the University with a Masters in Geography, and now works to ensure students and staff get the most from teaching.

Enhancing the student-staff relationship

Cathy Bovill
Dr Cathy Bovill is an Edinburgh alumna who now works to improve the student experience through teaching.

Step into the spotlight

Are you a current member of staff? Are you interested in sharing memories, research or teaching with our alumni community? Contact for more information or complete the short interview form below and return it to us at the same address.