Alumni Services

What is it like to graduate in 2020?

We have all seen the headlines about cancelled internships, recruitment freezes and the prospect of a difficult and uncertain future - but these sweeping generalisations don't tell the whole story. What is it actually like to graduate during a global pandemic?


Multi Story Edinburgh is a new podcast that allows guests the opportunity to share their story. Each sub 10 minute episode is devoted to a single person, and it is their voice that you hear rather than a traditional host. As well as talking about themselves and their experiences, we also ask each guest to share a place that is important to them. The place provides a different kind of insight. It is something personal, but also something visual that takes each snapshot beyond thoughts and words.  

Why 2020? 

We decided to start with 2020 graduates because we wanted to look behind the headlines and better understand the many different realities of the situation. We were also interested in how people are making sense of things and why they are reacting and responding as they are.  

First up is Rosie, an English and Scottish Literature graduate. She speaks about being impulsive, not being in a race, and meeting at a bench:



You can listen to the other episodes on YouTube:

Listen to our 2020 graduates

We have talked to 10 graduates so far. The plan is to talk to a lot more. If you know someone who graduated from Edinburgh this year, we would love to have a chat with them. The more stories that we share, the more graduates will see their experiences reflected in the experiences of others. 

Beyond 2020 

Class of 2020 is just the beginning. It is where we decided to start, but Multi Story Edinburgh is about the University of Edinburgh community. Each season of the podcast will focus on something different, something new that binds people together and links our stories.  

Subscribe to the podcast

You can subscribe on Apple, Spotify or your favourite podcast platform:

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And we also have a website:

Visit the Multi Story Edinburgh website