
Assessing the social impacts of the preparatory and development phases at Lydian International’s Amulsar mine in Armenia through surveys of neighbouring communities

Report by Community Mutual Assistance Social NGO, on behalf of Bankwatch.

Assessing the social impacts of the preparatory and development phases at Lydian International’s Amulsar mine in Armenia

From the executive summary:

'The purpose of this survey is to document the perceptions of respondents from communities next to Lydian International’s Amulsar mine. In order to achieve the goal, a survey questionnaire was used, with a number of indicators of social impact about the mining projects on the community. The questionnaire also includes a range of questions aimed at revealing the level of awareness among respondents and from where they source their information about the project. 35 households from the closest communities to the mine– Gndevaz, Kechut, and Jermuk – were surveyed. 40 per cent of respondents were female and 60 per cent male, and 42 per cent up to 35 years in age and 58 per cent 36 years and above.'

Read the report


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