
Utilities Working Group

Joint Estates / SRS group focusing on opportunities to reduce energy use and the UoE utilities bill, and linked in to review of the Climate Plan.


  1. Help identify the practical contribution Corporate Services Group can make to UoE achieving its climate emissions targets and reducing its carbon footprint
  2. Develop a practical plan to identify cost savings to deliver a 10% utilities reduction from business as usual over 2 years. Define what is in scope, what constitutes business as usual and what metric to use. Agree the programmes and actions needed, and put them in place, developing a business case for and securing any additional resource, investment or activity needed.

Unlocking savings from utilities (financial or carbon) will require a joined up approach taking into consideration: building design and refurbishment; specific issues within laboratories; promoting positive behaviour change; ensuring incentives are in place for managers and administrators; identifying technical initiatives for energy supply and unlocking funding mechanisms to drive local buy in.


Dave Gorman, Convener, Director of SRS

Grant Ferguson, Convener, Director of Estates Operations

Karen Adamson, Head of Estates Finance

Michelle Brown, Deputy Director of SRS

Dean Drobot, Head of Utilities & Energy Management

Paul Hutton, Senior Computing Officer, ITI Enterprise Services

David Jack, Energy & Utilities Operations Manager

Chris Litwiniuk, Engagement Manager

Robert MacGregor, Energy Engineer, Utilities Management

Brenda Piercy, Head of Operations - Self Catered Accommodation

Callum Robertson, Estate Development Manager

Sheila Scott, Building Services Manager

Graeme Wood, Enterprise Services Manager