People Strategy
Our People Strategy sets the strategic direction of our ongoing focus on our people.
Alongside our work on the Student Experience, our People Strategy is designed to underpin the mission and values of Strategy 2030 by creating an environment that fosters a warm community, where everyone feels proud to be part of our University. This will help strengthen our role as a place of transformation and of self-improvement, driven to achieve benefit for individuals, communities, societies and our world.
The People Strategy will inform and be aligned to five-year operational plans in each budget area across the University, and will support the priorities that will be delivered in the short, medium and longer term to 2030.
Our People Strategy has twelve aims divided into three themes:
Enhancing our working environment
We work in an environment that supports and motivates us to do our best work and to achieve the University’s goals:
1. We design our estate to enable us to do our best work
2. Workloads are reasonable and achievable
3. People processes and systems make our lives easier
4. Equitable pay, benefits and working conditions improve our working lives
Developing our potential
We each have the opportunity for personal and professional development to support individual and organisational achievement:
5. We have regular conversations so everyone knows what and how they are doing
6. We are responsible for accessing the development we need to be the best we can be
7. Managers have the behaviours, skills and resources to do their jobs well
8. The way we recruit means we attract and retain a talented, diverse workforce
Strengthening our community
We work together to benefit our communities, within and beyond the University:
9. The University Values and Behaviours are visible in all our work
10. We are all citizens of the University and we feel part of and care about what happens here
11. We are all included, informed and involved in what goes on at the University
12. We feel safe and well at work
How we developed the People Strategy
Our People Strategy incorporates significant work from across the University around pay and reward, pensions, workload and wellbeing. It also reflects our University’s overarching strategic themes of equality, diversity and inclusion, sustainability and leadership.
The strategy draws on a range of data, including staff survey responses. It was developed collaboratively through extensive consultation with people across the University, including:
Trade Unions
Participants on our staff development programmes
Management teams in Colleges and Professional Services Groups
All HR staff
Growing Research Together Group
Academic Strategy Group
Staff Experience Committee
University Executive
The Leaders’ Forum
Strategic change project teams such as Curriculum Transformation
Further information
If you have any questions about our People Strategy, please contact
You can access an infographic with information related to the People Strategy using the below PDF link.
Related links
Strategy 2030 | The University of Edinburgh