Strategy 2030

Play your part

This is your Strategy and everyone can contribute to its successful delivery.

Our vision to continue delivering excellence to 2030 and beyond is rooted in our values, with a focus on four key areas: people, research, teaching and learning, and social and civic responsibility.

Across the University we’ll be working with staff and students to bring the strategy to life.

You can play your part in helping us to reach our goals.

Two people sitting having a conversation.

What can I do?

Your contributions can make a real difference, and sometimes it’s the small things that can make the biggest change.

Get in touch

We want to hear about the news, initiatives and ways of working that you’re undertaking every day that help us deliver on our new Strategy, and what your suggestions are to do things differently.


Become a champion

We're looking for champions across the University, from every School and every Department. Our network of champions will gather your feedback and share best practice, as well as spreading the word about the great things their areas are doing.

It’s your chance to help to make the University an even better place to work and study.


Download a copy

You can download a PDF version of Strategy 2030.

Strategy 2030 (PDF 2mb)

Get your copy

To obtain a printed copy of the Strategy please contact the Communications and Marketing team.
