The delivery of the University’s Gaelic Language Plan will be over the period 2019-2024 and will be enabled by the University’s Gaelic Officer, with the support and oversight of the Gaelic Language Plan Working Group.
The Gaelic Language Plan Working Group (GLPWG) is made up of representatives from both the academic and professional services sides of the University, and also includes a representative from the Edinburgh University Students’ Association.
Gaelic Language Plan Working Group
The GLPWG will, in turn, report on the progress of delivering the Gaelic Language Plan to the Sustainability, Civic & Social Responsibility (SCSR) Committee on a bi-annual basis, or as requested.
The SCSR Committee is an advisory committee of the University’s Executive, which contributes to the development of the University’s overall strategic objectives and oversees their implementation and delivery.
Sustainability, Civic & Social Responsibility Committee
Isla Parker
Gaelic and Community Relations Officer
- Stakeholder Relations
- Communications and Marketing
Contact details
- Email: