Miss Elaine Anderson

Miss Anderson's main clinical interests lie in the family history and genetics of breast disease, breast screening and breast reconstruction and the use of quality assurance to improve clinical outcomes.

Miss Elaine Anderson

Consultant Surgeon and Associate Medical Director of Cancer Services

  • Edinburgh Breast Unit
  • Western General Hospital, Edinburgh

Contact details


Miss Anderson is a graduate of Edinburgh University and she undertook her postgraduate training in the South East of Scotland during which she developed a specific interest in the management of breast disease.

Her educational qualifications are:

  • Bachelor of Science (BSc, Medical Sciences) Bacteriology (Hons) First Class Edinburgh, 1979
  • Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) Edinburgh, 1982
  • Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS) Part II Edinburgh, 1987
  • Doctor of Medicine (MD) Edinburgh, 1992

Appointments and activities

Miss Anderson is Consultant Surgeon Edinburgh Breast Unit, Western General Hospital.

She is also the Clinical Director of Breast and Plastic NHS Lothian.

Miss Anderson is a member of the British Breast Group. She has a particular interest in promoting women in a surgical career.


A list of Miss Anderson’s publications is available from the PubMed.gov website.