Business travel

Travel insurance

It is recommended that anyone travelling on behalf of the University (to conferences, meetings, field trips, placements etc) arranges travel insurance.

It’s not automatic and can be applied for using the online application.

Benefits of University Insurance

The main benefits of the policy are;

  • £25m - Medical expenses (including evacuation and repatriation)
  • £10,000 - Flight Cancellation/Curtailment
  • £10,000 – Personal Baggage (including laptops, up to £1000)
  • £5000 – Loss of money/credit cards

Other considerations;

Employee personal travel insurance is unlikely to provide cover if the air fares are paid by the University (the policy holder must be the person incurring the cost).

If the trip is within the UK and involves an overnight stay and/or travel by air, then it’s worth taking out travel insurance for this trip.

The University travel policy has no pre existing medical exclusions, provided that the person traveling is fit and able to do so, is not travelling against the advice of their GP, is not travelling to seek medical addition and has sufficient supplies of any medication for the duration of the journey.

Some places are more hazardous than others so the Foreign & Commonwealth Travel website should be checked and if necessary, a travel risk assessment completed.

Online insurance application

Please use the online Insurance form to apply quickly and easily.

Online application form

Emergency assistance provider for University staff and students during travel on University business:

Healix - +44 (0)1483 265696

You can also download the App – Healix Travel Oracle App – available from the App Store or Google App.  Policy number (SZ29225182) is required to register.

Further guidance

University insurance policy, procedures and claim forms can be found on the Insurance Office SharePoint site.

Insurance Office SharePoint site

Risk assessment

The University Insurers may require to see a copy of your authorised risk assessment form before insurance is confirmed – the Insurance Office will contact you directly if this is the case.

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