College of Science & Engineering

Other Codes of Practice

Links to other University of Edinburgh Research Ethics Webpages, as well as other professional Codes of Practice

Links to other University of Edinburgh Research Ethics Webpages

Edinburgh Research Office's Research Integrity pages

College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine

University of Edinburgh Research Support 

Edinburgh Innovations (EI) is the University’s research innovation and technology transfer (commercialisation) office, providing innovation and commercialisation services.

Edinburgh Innovations

Professional Codes of Conduct

The College framework follows and integrates the recommendations of different professional codes of conduct. 

UKRI Research Integrity

RCUK Integrity Policy and Guidelines

NERC Ethics Policies

Royal Society of Biology

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Institute of Mathematics and its Applications

Royal Society of Chemistry

British Computer Society

Institution of Mechanical Engineers

Other University resources

The University recognises that conflicts of interest can affect research and has produced a policy statement to assist with identifying conflicts of interest and to provide procedural guidance.

University policy document on Conflicts of Interest (pdf.) 

Research involving obtaining data from people requires researchers to maintain high ethical standards. This includes such considerations as data protection legislation and obtaining informed consent from research participants.

Research data management guidance