
Edinburgh Gadda Projects

Edinburgh Gadda Projects is the umbrella term for the Edinburgh Gadda Journal, Gaddus Scholars, the Edinburgh Gadda Prize, the Nicola Benedetti Scholarship Fund and Gadda Giovani.

The Projects are distinctive for rigour, reach and significance, and have made Edinburgh a recognised world leader in Italian Studies. Outcomes span outputs, environment and impact, and include publications, publication series, international conferences, postgraduate summer schools, training and work placements for early career researchers, public lectures, public workshops, scholarly awards, shows, recitals, exhibitions, installations, international young people mobility programmes, bursaries and scholarships.

Virtual Communities

EGP users are consistently global. Google Analytics user data for the sample period (August 2011 to August 2013: 391,126 hits) confirm the exceptional user levels revealed by national statistics at the 2007 research census (2007: 7.3% all of Humanities traffic to Edinburgh University making the Gadda website the third most accessed resource in the College of Humanities and Social Science). There are four main web platforms supporting the Projects at present. In the sample period the primary websites - Edinburgh Gadda Journal and Edinburgh Gadda Prize - logged respectively 301,481 visits from 155 countries and 105 languages (394 daily highest) and 89,645 visits from 118 countries and 86 languages (214 daily highest), with further excellent user data being accrued through the social media (Facebook, YouTube and Vimeo Channels).

Initiatives on the ground

EGP have developed a unique approach to knowledge exchange and academic public engagement through world-class research originated, implemented and shared through the web media. This has given the expertise, track record and clout to further our project through series of initiatives on the ground. Four major international event programmes - Edinburgh 2010, Milan 2011, Edinburgh 2012 and Montecassino 2013 - have resulted in the 2008-2013 research cycle, with further events already at an advanced planning stage - London 2014 and Udine 2015 - for the next.

Sample events

Edinburgh 2012 brought together the Projects’ communities - academic, other professional, wider educational, general audience - through one integrated event package Gadda è teatro | Scholarship is engagement, Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, 20-22 September 2012. As part of Edinburgh 2012, EGP delivered a series of firsts - among them, the first international postgraduate training school Gaddus Scholars and the first international junior mobility programme. Particularly significant, as part of Edinburgh 2012, was the UK premiere of Fabrizio Gifuni’s award-winning show L’ingegner Gadda va alla guerra, which also resulted in the publication Gadda Goes to War. Translational Provocations around an Emergency (2013). The book comprises a new first English translation and the first DVD of primary Gadda material with English subtitles. Typically for the Projects, Edinburgh 2012 generated information packages, photographic records, film footage, user interviews, news items in the national press, testimonials and feedback.


Latest Gadda Project – Montecassino 2013


All EGP-related enquiries and comments should be addressed to:


Prof Federica G Pedriali

EGP Director

  • Edinburgh Gadda Projects
  • School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
  • University of Edinburgh

Contact details



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