Information Services

Installing the wireless root certificates

If you are having problems with certificates or cannot get your device working you may need to download and install the certificates below to your device.

Installing the wireless root certificates

To install one of the following wireless root certificates, please right-click (Windows) or ctrl+click (Mac) on the one you need, choose 'Save Link As' (Windows) or 'Download linked file as' (Mac) to save it locally to your computer (e.g. to the Desktop) and then double-click it to install.

Each certificate is available in two formats: Base64 or DER.  Most devices will work with either format, however for Nokia/Symbian series phones you should use the DER format certificate.

AAA Certificate Services certificates

You should only need to import the AAA Certificate Services Root Certificate into your device. If that doesn't work try importing both the root and both intermediate certificates.

Root Certificate:

AAACertificateServices.crt (Base64)

AAACertificateServices.der (DER)

Intermediate Certificates:

USERTrustRSACertificationAuthority.crt (Base64)

USERTrustRSACertificationAuthority.der (DER)

GEANTOVRSACA4.crt (Base64)