Information Services

Attending and Participating

Includes hybrid meeting etiquette, hints & tips and more, for attendee participants

The ABC of hybrid meetings

  • Audio: Use the room audio – turn your own off to avoid Echo. If the room doesn't have audio, pick one person to have audio enabled

  • Bring your device: When you are in-person, bring a device to participate via chats, live reactions, and raise hands. Remember to turn off the the audio on your device

  • Cameras on: Always if you are talking, everyone at the beginning and end to give a sense of personhood 

Tips for Hybrid Meeting

It is important to engage effectively with hybrid meetings as both in person and remote attendees. Below are some ideas to build a culture of inclusive effective hybrid meetings:

  • Check your streaming tool is up to date on your device - to create the best experience, please make sure that the digital platform is updated to the latest version. We will recommend using Teams Room for your hybrid meetings.
  • Try out features prior to your next meeting - make sure your audio and visuals are working before the meeting
  • Give clear guidance to participants  - tell your participants how you'd like them to engage in the meeting. For example, if the meeting involves digital quizzes or polls, you might need to ask in-room attendees to bring their own devices so both online and in-room attendees can engage in the activities
  • Set up rules for engagement - consider basic etiquette to enhance engagement. For instance, switch on your camera when voicing your question to the presenter
  • Review your performance - reflect on how well you have performed to improve your next meeting


For more information on building effective hybrid meeting, please check our SharePoint site.

 Developing a culture of excellence in hybrid meeting - SharePoint (login required)

Microsoft also offers guidance on good practices for hybrid meeting.

Teams hybrid meeting participant best practices - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Learn

More Info about Hybrid Meeting and Events

More about Hybrid Meeting Spaces, including locations can be found below, including advice and consultancy about videoconferencing / hybrid meetings. To find the locations, sign-in here.


We encourage any staff wanting to use this facility to read the useful links below:

Getting the most out of Hybrid Meetings with Teams | The University of Edinburgh

Further Queries

If you have inquiries about Teams Room, please see our Teams Rooms FAQs.

If you want to contact someone about Data Protection, you can contact the University’s Data Protection Officer at

How the University of Edinburgh collects, shares or processes personal information:

Data Protection - Continued Privacy notice 

For more information, please contact IS Helpline.