Information Services

Staff directory

The staff directory (Eddir) contains email aliases for staff, research PG students and functional accounts.

Requesting the creation of a personal email alias in the staff directory

  • To request a personal email alias please submit your request using the Unidesk Self-Service form
  • Specify the format of your alias (e.g. firstname.lastname or
  • Specify whether you wish to have the address included in the searchable website directory. Note this doesn't affect the Office365 Global Address List.

Requesting an update to your personal email alias

The Staff directory email policy states that you can have one alias per user account (preferable one per-person) however in cases where your name is changed legally we can create a new alias reflecting this. This will become your new primary email alias and your existing alias will be retained so email sent to this previous address remains deliverable.

Note that adding an email alias has no effect on how you login to your email service so you should continue to use your username when logging into Office365.

To request a change to the directory please submit your request using the Unidesk Self-Service form

Requesting a shared (functional) mailbox

To request a shared or functional mail account please contact the IS Helpline.  The IS Helpline will need to know:

  • The alias to be associated with the mailbox
  • A suggested username for the mailbox if an account doesn't already exist
  • Which user(s) will require delegate access to the mailbox.

Submitting Requests on behalf of other users

IT and Administrative staff may wish to request aliases on behalf of their users e.g. for bulk additions. We prefer users to request their own aliases but requests can be submitted directly to the IS ITI Enterprise UNIX Operator group in Unidesk