
Materials related to Russia

Links to other universities, research institutes and items of interest.

Scotland - Russia: Cultural Encounters Since 1900

This project offers scholars, creative practitioners and the general public a chance to explore the full spectrum of connections between the two countries since 1900.

Scotland - Russia: Cultural Encounters Since 1900

Open Media Research Institute

Based in the Czech Republic, OMRI provides twice-daily digests from and about the media of the Former Soviet Union.

Open Media Research Institute

Library of Congress Soviet Archives Exhibit

A hypermedia exhibit of the FSU's "dirty laundry" provided by the US Govt and NCSA, the makers of the Mosaic browser, these documents became available for the first time shortly after Yeltsin assumed command of the country.

Library of Congress Soviet Archives Exhibit

Moscow State University

The main website of Lomonosov Moscow State University, this is perhaps the premier academic server in all the Former Soviet Union.

Moscow State University

Dazhdbog's Grandchildren

Strong in cultural subjects like art, music, and poetry.

Dazhdbog's Grandchildren

Novosibirsk State University

Main website for the Novosibirsk State University.

Novosibirsk State University


An excellent collection of articles on Russian culture and literature.
