
Access to IMPACT facilities is through a booking system. Microscopes and the Image Analysis computers can be booked up to two weeks in advance.

Trained users

If you are a registered IMPACT user please click on the link below to go the on-line booking diary.


Starting from 1st Sept 2023: Please use the following links


For Microscope Bookings use:


For Image analysis computers use:



New users

If you are new user and would like to use the facility regularly, please read the IMPACT user guidelines, and request training on

Untrained users

Fully assisted sessions are available if you are planning to use the facility occasionally and are not trained on the systems. To arrange these sessions please contact the facility manager.


Before using any of the microscopes independently, training is required. Users who are already proficient in imaging or have used other confocal facilities will still need a short induction to make sure they are aware of any special requirements and can work within the health and safety rules of the facility.

Please contact the IMPACT facility manager to arrange a training session.

Facility access

Access to the facility for untrained users is from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

Trained and experienced users can access the facility at all times including weekends and public holidays.